cChic News

The FIFOG - Celebrates Knowledge and Mutual Recognition


The 19th edition of the Geneva International Oriental Film Festival (FIFOG) will take place from June 10 to 16, 2024, in Geneva. After celebrating Resistance in 2020, Hope in 2021, Freedom… in the feminine in 2022, and Dream in 2023, this new edition honors Knowledge and Mutual Recognition.

This theme goes beyond an abstract concept ; it highlights cinematic works that invite everyone to know and recognize themselves and others – essential conditions for living together. Each film presented serves as an invitation to move « from a state of ignorance to knowledge, » paraphrasing Aristote.

Under the patronage of the Swiss Commission for UNESCO, this new edition is honorably presided over by Lebanese writer Joumana Haddad, whose pen tirelessly advocates for bridging the gap between the Orient and the Occident in a spirit of reciprocity and equality.

For one week, Geneva and its municipalities will resonate with oriental colors. Over fifty films, accompanied by around thirty guests from both the Orient and the Occident, will be screened, bringing joy to festival-goers.

The festival is also an opportunity to recognize outstanding films. Two juries – one for the International Feature Film Competition and another for the International Short Film Competition – will respectively award a FIFOG Gold and a FIFOG Silver. A school jury will honor the best short film with a FIFOG Gold.

Additionally, in the Panorama section, the festival will unveil special screenings of rich and relevant works across genres, filled with emotions and poetry. These works will touch on topics such as Afghan women, the struggle of Tibetans for their existence, the resilience of the Lebanese, and the unique tenacity of Maghreb inhabitants. Promoting equality between men and women will also be a central theme of this new edition.

To prepare and promote this ambitious program, FIFOG has forged numerous collaborations with local and international partners. This new filmic journey, brimming with colors, emotions, and poetry, promises an exciting experience.