
Business | Swiss Prime Site Solutions

Swiss Prime Site Solutions - Investment Fund Commercial (SPSS IFC): key data for the third capital increase


Swiss Prime Site Solutions is carrying out the third capital increase for the SPSS IFC fund (specialising in commercial properties). The subscription period will begin on Monday 10 March and end on Friday 21 March 2025 at 12:00 noon. The payment date for the fund units will be 28 March 2025. Existing investors will be able to exercise their subscription rights in this capital increase.

Third capital increase for SPSS IFC

The third capital increase for the SPSS IFC aims to secure a maximum issuing volume of 779’918 new units. Three (3) existing units entitle the bearer to one (1) new unit at the issue price on the payment date of CHF 102.95 each (including ancillary costs and issue commission). The issue will be carried out on a best-effort basis under a subscription offer to investors who are eligible under the terms of the fund contract. Unsubscribed units will not be issued. There will be no official trading in the subscription rights during the subscription period, but they can be freely transferred and traded.

Use of the capital

The capital raised will be used to expand the portfolio in line with the strategy. The further expansion of the portfolio will focus on the light industrial commercial type of use. A corresponding deal pipeline with attractive transaction opportunities has been established specifically for the capital increase. The borrowed capital ratio will also be further reduced if possible.

Fund profile

The Swiss Prime Site Solutions Investment Fund Commercial is aimed at qualified investors and primarily invests in commercial real estate in established business locations throughout Switzerland. The investment focus is on broad diversification, high cash flow stability and attractive risk-return profiles. With an investment strategy that maintains an anti-cyclical focus on commercial properties, the SPSS IFC utilises attractive investment opportunities and offers enhanced protection from the effects of inflation with a high indexing rate of 95%. SPSS IFC is the direct owner of the real estate; as such, taxes on income and capital gains are pre-paid by the fund itself, making them tax-free to investors (private and business assets) that are resident or domiciled in Switzerland.

- Third SPSS IFC capital increase to expand the portfolio - Subscription ratio of 3:1 with a maximum of 779’918 new units and a maximum issue volume of around CHF 80 million - Subscription period: 10 to 21 March 2025 with payment date of 28 March 2025


